
Cod. 05206

Wipes in sheets and rolls.
STROFTEX kind is a spunbonded fabric made of cellucotton with pit structure; with good mechanic and solvents resistance, it soaks 600% of its weight and does not leaves piles, you can use it both dry and wet:
STROFTEX NEW TURCHESE (code 102 and 122) perforated viscose and polyester material that cleans perfectly without leaving lint or color; STROFTEX 1/VV (code 130) made of cellucotton and polyester, compatible for contact with drink and food (ask for certificate of conformity);
STROFTEX S (code 200) made of cellucotton.

Код: 05206
Марка: GB
Категория: Чистящие средства
Тип: Тряпки
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
05206102 CZ WIPES STROFTEX NEW TURCHESE sheets 40X50 (CZ kg.10)
05206122 CZ WIPES STROFTEX NEW TURCHESE rolls h320 (pack Kg.5)
05206130 CZ WIPES STROFTEX 1/VV Creped Turchese rolls h320 (pack 2 x Kg.2,5)
05206200 CZ WIPES STROFTEX S white rolls h320 (CZ Kg.5)
Техническая спецификация Wipes

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