Solvent FOOD SOLV60

Cod. 04516
Solvent FOOD SOLV60

Solvent Green Star FOOD SOLV60 for washing and degreasing of metal parts: mechanical parts and/or components of equipment contaminated with oil, grease and oil-based protective products; the product can also be used for cleaning food production palnts. Odorless, free of chlorinated and fluorinated hydrocarbons, medium speed evaporation rate; low pour point (freezing point), subject to the provisions relating to production and cleansing products for food-processing equipment (ask declaration of compliance for use in food and pharmaceutical industries). To use as such with brush, rag, in pulverization, bath or degreasing fountain with cold temperature (not exceeding +40°C). It can replace halogenated hydrocarbons in cold cleaning operations. Without florinated and clorinated hydrocarbons, without aromatic content or benzene derivatives. Odorless, it evaporates quickly and totaly, does not residue, got a good electrical conductivity and low flammability.

Код: 04516
Категория: Хлорированные растворители и стабилизаторы
Тип: Хлорированные растворители
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
04516010 NR FOOD SOLV60 solvent can l.1 *
Техническая спецификация Solvent FOOD SOLV60
Код GB Описание
04515 Solvent FOOD SOLV40

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