Fluid hand cream UNICA

Cod. 05808
Fluid hand cream UNICA

White fluid hand cream UNICA with excellent emulsifying, cleansing and softening powers, Ph 7. Formulated with natural microgranules of different grain sizes; does not contain solvents. Easily and delicately shifts grease, oily deposits and other stubborn dirt. Packaged in lt. 3 cans with free pump every 6 cans.

Код: 05808
Марка: GB
Категория: Моющие средства
Тип: Ручные моющие средства
Код GB UM Описание Примечание
05808300 NR UNICA handwash cream (l.3) + pump
Код GB Описание
05849 Pump and hangers for cleaners output

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